Being Prayer -

Transforming Consciousness®:

Good News of Buddhist Practice

by Mary Rees

Nothing is as substantial as it seems. We fuel a dynamic spiritual unfolding when we reach a realization of the insubstantiality of what we believe to be true, when we see that both our doubts and certainties need to be challenged.

It is possible to live life in deep intimacy with our own experience, in touch with others, with nature, and with mystery. This book offers beginning steps in learning to abide and deepen in wisdom and compassion; to recognize and cooperate with the underlying flow, no matter what the life circumstances.

Being Prayer - Transforming Consciousness

Understanding insubstantiality does not mean that things do not exist at all. Instead it invites us to a looser perception, an awareness that we are each conditioned by our life experiences. This conditioning contributes to our uniqueness but also limits our view and colors all of our perceptions. We can learn to widen our perceptions and open to what is most real, to vitality, energy, enthusiasm, and joy: to being fully alive.

May what I do flow through me like a river no forcing and no holding back... Rilke

The book has been recognized by leaders in both Christian and Buddhist traditions: Richard Rohr, a Christian teacher says, “How we see determines what we see, and Mary Rees will help you to see much better.” Rodney Smith, a Buddhist Teacher, “Mary Rees takes hard concepts like consciousness and mind and makes them accessible.”

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Indie Excellence Award 2007

Award-Winning Finalist!

National Indie Excellence 2007 Book Awards - Spirituality

Being Prayer - Transforming Consciousness®:
Good News of Buddhist Practice

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